March 04, 2005

Lost Days and Three Tries Later

I looked back into her eyes and found a mystery. A mystery of what the hell was going on here. My mind broke for a brief commercial interruption.
Do you like Cheezy Goos?
Well, who the fuck doesn’t!
So grab your moms purse, no you don’t have to ask for permission first.
Just grab the fucking thing and go to your local Cheezy Goos, right now!
And now back to my brain...
Her eyes spoke to me in words I can’t begin to understand. There was a question in them that I could almost hear, but not quite. It was frustrating to say the least. I could also feel her at the outer edges of my mind. It was like butterfly kisses in my brain.
Then for a moment I thought I had grown a third arm. But it was only a foot long lizard, holding the head of duck, jumping out of my back. I was really only startled for a moment. It was more from where it came from than what it was.
He started chanting curses at ducks while he danced around us in tightening circles. I couldn’t tell if they were just for ducks in general or if they were intended for a single clan. By the way he was acting I would think that it was for ducks in general. I would hate to think that that much rage should go to waste on one clan.
He was shinny metallic green and he wore a hula skirt. In the opposite hand from the duck head, he held a small spoon It was not half as shinny as he was. The spoon had a really long handle on it an the edge looked like it may be sharp. I figured it would be a bad idea to find out.
Suddenly he stopped and stomped up to Eagle-boy with that same look of anger in his eyes.
"Choo you et dem o by d sef fo? Choo you no vi un to et to? Stoop Eg-bo!" He spat on the ground at our feet and turned and started dancing again..
Eagle-boy burst into his screaming laughter again. I had no idea of what was going on. Before I could ask we were surrounded by a dozen other lizards. They were all dancing now. They were all laughing, too. Eagle-boy looked at me and told me that the lizard wanted to know why he didn’t invite the rest of them to eat. I took a step backwards.
"Don’t worry," he said, "I don’t eat humans." With that he snatched up two of the lizards and popped them into his beak. I could hear the bones crunch as he bit down. The other lizards seemed not to notice. Eagle-boy worked his way through them until there was only the duck head toting psycho left.
Lizard stopped his dancing took look around. He didn’t seemed surprised that none of his friends were still there. He just looked at us like, "When do we eat?" I was thinking that his middle name was probably "Slow" or " Thick". Again I proved how wrong I could be.
Lizard bent and buried his spoon into the ground. He raised his face to the sky and started to hum. The ground around the spoon began to glow in a deep crimson that almost looked the ground was starting to bleed. It grew in intensity until it was almost impossible look at. For me it was impossible to look away.
He suddenly jerked his arm up, pulling the spoon out of the ground with great force. The light around the spoon shattered and bits of flew all around the clearing. One landed at my feet and started to writhe around in circle. It began to grow. As it grew larger the light diminished more and more. When the light was gone and the writhing stopped, a brand new foot long green lizard was curled into a ball at my feet. After a few more moments they started to walk in from where the amber shards had landed. The lizard at my feet stood up and clamored up my pant leg and arm until he was perched on my shoulder. I looked out into faces of about a hundred brand new lizard faces. They even still had that new lizard smell to them.
"Now we eat!" exclaimed Eagle-boy at once breaking the silence and starting a feeding frenzy.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Dude! What the fuck are you talking about? I'm completely lost
